Tha John Lowrie Morrison a' tilleadh gu dachaigh a shìnnsearan 's na Hearadh a' toirt sealladh air a bheatha. a chuid ealain agus air a chreideamh. Le beachdan bho Stiùiriche na Gailearaidhean Nàiseanta, Sir John Leighton, an craoladair Cathy NicDhòmhnaill, agus Stiùiriche An Lanntair Ruaraidh Moireach, tha am prògram seo a' rannsachadh de a tha a brosnachadh Jolomo na obair, a' dealbhachadh na h-Alba na dhòigh shònraichte fhèin?

John Lowrie Morrison returns to his Harris roots to sketch and photograph, and to preach. A committed Christian, his painting and preaching are inextricably linked, his art a glorious celebration of his faith. With contributions from the Director General of the National Galleries, Sir John Leighton, broadcaster Cathy MacDonald, and Director of An Lanntair, Roddy Murray, this programme asks, what motivates Jolomo to keep painting Scotland in his unique style?
First shown on Thursday 29th October 9pm BBC ALBA, repeated on 4th November on BBC Alba. Available on iPlayer until 25th November