Books illustrated by Jolomo

Title: Wake Up to Your Dreams

Author: Jean C. Morrison

Publisher: Scottish Christian Press


From: Wake Up to Your Dreams

“Duncan’s Dream”

Beth’s Dream: from Wake up to your dreams

Title: A Sense of Belonging to Scotland

Author: Andy Hall

Publisher: Mercat Press

ISBN: 1-84183-089-5

From: A Sense of Belonging

From: A Sense of Belonging

Title: Dialogues with Silence

Author: Thomas Merton

Publisher: SPCK


Title: Seek the Silences

Author: Charles R. Ringma

Publisher: SPCK

ISBN: 0-281-05604-8

Title: Pathway to God

Author: Janet Fletcher

Publisher: SPCK

ISBN: 0-281-05818-0

Title: The Inner Experience

Author: Thomas Merton

Publisher: SPCK

ISBN: 0-281-05616-1

Finding Grace

Author: Basil Pennington,

Thomas Keating, Thomas E Clarke

Publisher: SPCK

ISBN: 0 281 04474 0

Title: Light in the Darkness

Author: Bill Donaldson

Publisher: Makar Publishing

ISBN: 0-9551334-0-8

Title: Joyful Exiles

Author: James Houston

Publisher: SPCK

ISBN-13: 978-0-281-05887-7

ISBN-10: 0-281-05887-3