Books about Jolomo

John Lowrie Morrison

“The Colour of Life”

A gorgeous full-colour exploration of well-loved artist Jolomo’s work, with essays on his art, spirituality and life. All royalties to the Princess Royal Trust for Carers.

Published by Scottish Christian Press, Edinburgh

ISBN 19043 25041/Hardback

Available throughout the UK in good bookshops or from Booksource Glasgow:

Tel: 08702 402 182


Published by Kranenburg Fine Art Publishing

ISBN 09548 901 08 / HARDBACK

Available from Kranenburg or Ottakars Bookstores throughout the UK.

Retrospective is also in many libraries including:

The National Library of Scotland

The National Library of Wales

Oxford University Library

Cambridge University Library

The Library of Trinity College, Belfast.

A Passion for Colour: Jolomo the Retrospective


Susan Mansfield (Author), John Leighton (Author), Trisha Robins (Author)


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