A softlight near Ettrick Bay Bute 16x16

A spring sunset over Arran from Scalpsie Bay Bute 24x36

A spring sunset over Arran from Scalpsie Bay Bute ss 10x18

An evening spring gloaming Scalpsie Bay Bute 10x18

Beached red boat St. Ninian's Point dawnlight - Bute18x32

Big tree in the moonlight Kerryfearn Bute 12x12

Dawnlight over St Ninians Point Isle of Bute 10x16

Early morning springlight up from Ettrick Bay Bute 10x16

Early summerlight Isle of Bute 18x32

Evening fire Bruchag Road Bute 16x16

Evening gloaming on the Ettrick Road Bute 20x20

Evening springlight over Ettrick Bay Bute 16x16

Eveninglight St Colmac Isle of Bute 24x24

Fresh seas at Rhubodach 24x24

Heading for Arran from Bute Eveninglight 12x12

Misty eveninglight over Kerryfearn Bute 24x24

Moonrise Kilchattan Isle of Bute 10x18

Moonrise on the Bruchag Road Bute 16x16

Moonrise on the road to Ettrick Bay Bute 12x12

Passing rain Straad Isle of Bute 16x30

Red roof Ettrick Bay Isle of Bute 16x30

Spring morninglight Kerrycroy Isle of Bute 12x12

Spring morninglight over Ettrick Bay Bute 12x12

Springlight Loch Fad Isle of Bute 16x30

Springlight over Ettrick Bay Isle of Bute 10x16

Springlight St Colmac Bute 16x30

Storm passing Isle of Bute 24x24

Sunset Kerryfearn Isle of Bute 10x18

The Arran Alps from Bute 16x16

Wild flowers at Kerryfearn Isle of Bute 20x20