A Safe Evening Mooring Kintyre 16x16

A South End Sunset Isle of Gigha 30x30

A Summer Evening Gloaming Isle of Gigha 12x12

A Winter Gloaming Loch Gruinart Isle of Islay 24x24

A winter sunset Isle of Tiree 24x24

An Autumn Gloaming over Isle of Gigha 24x24

An Autumn Sunset Dunrostan Knapdale Argyll 16x16

An Evening Gloaming Isle of Tiree 16x16

Autumnlight over Kintyre Argyll 12x12

Autumnlight Reflections Tobermory Isle of Mull 36x36

Back Garden Beehives Isle of Iona 16x16

Back Gardens Beehives Isle of Iona 24x24

Beach Path Cable Bay Isle of Colonsay 24x24

Beach Path in the Moonlight South End Iona 20x20

Big Vase of Flowers in Iona Abbey 30x30

Cottage in the woods Tarbert Loch Fyne 24x24

Croft and Wild flowers Isle of Gigha 12x12

Croft on the Atlantic Isle of Tiree 16x16

Croft Under Atlantic Summer Rain Isle of Tiree 16x16

Dawnlight Isle of Iona 12x12

Dawnlight on the moorings Isle of Gigha 16x16

Dawnlight over Kintyre 36x36

Daybreak through an Abbey window Isle of Iona 30x30

Early Morning Smoke Isle of Mull 24x24

Early Morninglight over Iona lookng to Benmore 24x24

Early Morninglight Westport Machrihanish Kintyre 30x30

Evening Gloaming Back Garden Flowers Iona 20x20

Evening Gloaming Mull of Kintyre 16x16

Evening Gloaming on Loch Sween Knapdale Argyll 16x16

Evening Gloaming on the Singing Sands of Islay 24x24

Eveninglight Crois Mhor Croft Loch Gruinart Islay 20x20

Eveninglight Heading out from Iona 20x20

Eveninglight in the Abbey Isle of Iona 24x24

Eveninglight over Kintyre Argyll 24x24

Eveninglight over The Dutchman's Cap from Iona 30x30

Eveningmoon Machrihanish Kintyre 24x24

Fading Sunset Slack Tide Sound of Jura 30x30

Harvest Moon and Beehives Iona 12x12

Hayfield Isle of Tiree looking to Ben More 24x24

Heading for the Sound of Jura 30x30

Incoming Spring Tide Machrihanish Kintyre 30x30

Incoming Tide at Sunset Mannal Isle of Tiree 24x24

Iona Abbey Flowers the burning bush vision before the service 24x24

Morning light in the Presbyterian Chapel Iona Abbey 24x24

Morninglight Iona & Ben More 12x12

Morninglight over Ardionra Croft Isle of Iona 24x24

Ruined Croft in the Moonlight Mannal Isle of Tiree 16x16

Ruined Quarry Isle of Erraid looking to Iona 20x20

Saint Columba Arrives at Port Bhan Iona 24x24

Shadow of the Cross Iona Abbey 30x30

Smoky candles in the Iona Abbey light 24x24

Soft Eveninglight Iona 16x16

Soft Eveninglight Isle of Iona 20x20

Summer Back Gardens Isle of Iona 20x20

Summerlight on Isle of Gigha 24x24

Sunset over Machrihanish Kintyre 24x24

Three Red Boats Isle of Tiree 12x12

Wet Sunset at Dunrostan Knapdale Argyll 30x30

Wild Machair Flowers Isle of Tiree 12x12

Winterlight Kintyre 16x16