A Spring Evening near Crinan 16X16

A summer Moonrise Puddler's Cottage Crinan Canal 24x24

Autumnlight at Puddler's Cottage Crinan Canal 16x16

Back Of the Dodges Palace Venice 12x12

Canal Reflections Ardrishaig 12x12

Dawnlight heading out to San Maggiore Venice 24x24

Dawnlight San Giorgio Maggiore Venice 20x20

Daybreak on the Lagoon Venice 16x16

Early Morninglight on the Lagoon Venice 16x16

Grand Canal Reflections Venice 30x30

Heading for a night bearth Dunardry Crinan Canal 24x24

Heading for Cairnbaan 16x16

Heading for Crinan 24x24

Late Afternoonlight Crinan Canal 24x24

Leaving Crinan 12x12

Moon reflection the wee lighthouse Crinan 16x16

Morninglight reflection Crinan Canal 12x12

Morninglight San Giorgio Maggiore Venice 30x30

Red flag and a balcony of blossoms Grand Canal Venice 24x24.jpg

Reflections the lily pond Crinan Canal 24x24

Smoky Eveninglight Puddler's Cottage Crinan Canal 12x12

Soft morninglight on the Lagoon Venice 24x24

Spring Blossoms on the Crinan Canal 12x12

Springlight Puddlers Cottage Crinan Canal 24x24

Stormy eveninglight Grand Canal Venice 12x12

Stormy Eveninglight heading for Bellanoch Crinan Canal 20x20

Sultry Summer Eveninglight Bellanoch 24x24

Summer Reflections Miller's Bridge Crinan Canal 24x24

Wet day Crinan steam up on the Duke 30x30

Winter Dawnlight at Cairnbaan Crinan Canal 12x12