A Barnluasgan sunset Knapdale 24x30
A Kiloran Bay sunset Isle of Colonsay 16x30
A Kintyre sunset 24x24
Atlantic sunset Great Bernera Isle of Lewis 30x30
Autumn eveninglight over the Mull of Kintyre 18x32
Autumn storm passing Isle of Gigha 24x24
Autumnlight Kintyre 24x24
Beach path Balnahard Isle of Colonsay 20x20
Big Breakers Rubha Romagi Horgabost Isle of Harris 36x36
Big storm passing Ben More and Iona 40x60
Croft house and wild garden Isle of Gigha16X16
Dawnlight at Aros Isle of Mull 16x30
Early dawnlight on the Sound of Mull 16x30
Early morning rain croft garden Isle of Skye 16X30
Early morninglight on the Sound of Mull 20x20
Evening gloaming Caol Scotnish Knapdale 16x30
Evening gloaming Paps of Jura from Knapdale Keills 16x16
Eveninglight croft and phonebox Isle of Tiree 10x18
Eveninglight garden on the shore at Westport Kintyre 16x30
Eveninglight on the big peat stack South Uist 24x24
Eveninglight over Kintyre from Gigha 24x24
Eveninglight Saligo Bay Isle of Islay 30x30
Eveninglight Westport Kintyre 12x12
Frosty morninglight Archie the Jura's house Knapdale circa 1970 16x30
Goose Point Loch Caol Scotnish Knapdale 24x36
Haystacks and croft Isle of Lewis 10x18
House in the Knapdale woods Argyll 16x16
Incoming tide Machrihanish Kintyre 20x34
Incoming tide on South Uist 12x12
Late autumnlight Dunrostan Cottage Knapdale 36x36
Light evening rain over Machrihanish Kintyre 24x30
Low tide Loch Gruinart Isle of Islay 16x30
Moonlight over Tayinloan Kintyre 10x18
Morning summerlight Ardionra Isle of Iona 10x18
Morning summerlight over Balnahard Beach Isle of Colonsay 10x18
On the shore Iona looking to Ben More 16x30
Quiet eveninglight out from Machrihanish 24x30
Red roof at Polacher South Uist 16x16
Ruined croft and passing storm Mannal Isle of Tiree 16x16
Setting sun Kilchattan Isle of Colonsay 36x36
Soft eveninglight at Earsary Isle of Barra 24x24
Soft eveninglight gatehouse Taynish Tayvallich 16x16
Spring blossoms at Crinan Ferry Argyll 20x20
Spring blossoms Barnluasgan Knapdale 30x40
Stormy eveninglight over the Mull of Kintyre 20x20
Summer moonlight and wee haystacks Isle of Tiree 12x12
Summer moonrise Acha Mhor Isle of Lewis 18x32
Summer on Ardminish Bay Isle of Gigha 16x16
Summerlight over the Paps of Jura from Gigha 16x16
Sunset from Kentra Isle of Islay 30X30
Sunset on the Campbeltown moorings 24x30
Sunset over the Mull of Kintyre 12x12
The magical light of the Fairy Isles Loch Sween 16x30
The white boat at Ardminish Isle of Gigha 36x36
Wee haystacks in early dawnlight Iona 18x32
Wee path to the beach Traigh Bhan Iona 30x40
Wild flowers in summerlight Westport Kintyre 24x24
Wild garden Argyll 20x20
Winter storm passing Arinagour Isle of Coll 18x32
Winterlight on the Mull of Kintyre 18x32