A Kiloran Bay sunset Isle of Colonsay 16x30
A Knapdale evening Argyll 10x10
A lonely croft Isle of Lewis 12x12
A Machrihanish sunset Kintyre 16x30
A sultry evening gloaming South Uist 20x20
A summer gloaming Isle of Gigha 16x30
A summer moon Isle of Gigha 10x18
A Tiree sunset 10x10
Atlantic mist Ardailly Isle of Gigha 16x16
Atlantic storm passing Isle of Tiree 12x12
Atlantic sunset Great Bernera Isle of Lewis 30x30
Autumnlight Isle of Danna Knapdale 12x12
Big storm passing Loch Gruinart Isle of Islay 24x24
Calm seas the blue boat Iona 16x30
Croft and boat Ardtun Isle of Mull 16x16
Croft and boat Isle of Harris 20x20
Dawnlight at Aros Isle of Mull 16x30
Encroaching sea Isle of Tiree 16x30
Eveninglight North Uist 10x18
Heading out to Cara from Kintyre 24x24
Hill path and big haystack Tarskavaig Isle of Skye 24x24
House in the Knapdale woods Argyll 10x10
Incoming evening tide Mannal Isle of Tiree 16x30
Late summer eveninglight Isle of Gigha 16x30
Moon and croft Isle of Gigha 16x16
Moonrise on the croft Harris 12x12
Moonrise Paps of Jura and Loch Indaal Light Islay 24x24
Morning mist stacking the peats Arivruaich Isle of Lewis 36x36
North End Beach Isle of Gigha 10x18
Red roof Isle of Barra Beach Airport 16x16
Rough seas wee Cablebay Isle of Colonsay 16x30
Soft light Kildonan Isle of Arran 16x16
Soft morninglight South Uist 12x12
Soft summerlight under BenMore Isle of Mull 12x12
Storm over Isle of Staffa 24x24
Stormy eveninglight Isle of Gigha 18x32
Summer breakers Isle of Iona 18x32
Summer eveninglight Cable Bay Isle of Colonsay 16x30
Summer eveninglight Isle of Colonsay 24x24
Summer eveninglight Isle of Gigha and the Paps of Jura 18x32
Summer eveninglight Tarskavaig Isle of Skye 16x30
Summer moonrise Acha Mhor Isle of Lewis 18x32
Summer seas Ardminish Isle of Gigha 18x32
Summerlight Balnahard Beach Isle of Colonsay 20x20
Summerlight over Gigha and the Paps of Jura 16x16
Summerlight over Iona 24x24
The gloaming Isle of Gigha 20x20
The gloaming Isle of Lewis 16x30
The phone box Isle of Tiree 10x18
The white boat at Ardminish Isle of Gigha 36x36
Two haystacks in the moonlight South Uist 20x20
Wild flowers Balnahard Beach Isle of Colonsay 24x24
Winter sunset on the Mull of Kintyre 18x32